The government has soldiered on as if nothing were wrong. 政府装作没有发生什么乱子似的,依旧在坚持着。
A soldier stood on the centre line of the road, his arm upraised. 一名士兵站在道路中心线上,一只胳膊高高举起。
With 2,746 confirmed kills, Sgt. 1st Class Dillard Johnson is the deadliest American soldier on record. 一级中士迪拉德-约翰逊是美军有记录的最致命神枪手,曾击毙过2746人。
His first unconscious delight in the sights and sounds of the battlefield had given way to another feeling, ever since he had seen the solitary dead soldier lying on the hayfield. 最初由战场的景象和声音引起的兴奋的感情,现在却为另外一种感情所取代,特别是在看见一个孤独地躺在草地上的士兵以后。
The figure of a soldier appeared on the hill and came to meet Bathsheba. 一个士兵的身影出现在山上,前来与芭丝谢芭相会。
By the following Christmas, the truce was banned under threat of a court marshal for any soldier on either side who dared to fraternize with the enemy. 到下一个圣诞节,休战被禁止了,双方任何士兵胆敢与敌军亲近,都将面临军事审判。
A diligent soldier on Olympic security duty stopped David Cameron yesterday-demanding to see his papers. 一名负责奥运安保的警察昨天半路拦下了大卫-卡梅伦&仔细严谨地要求检查首相的证件。
But along with long-time NASA Goddard Space Flight Center colleagues Mario Acu? a and Leonard Burlaga we soldier on as the data continue to flow in. 然而,随着数据资料源源不断地流入,我们要跟美国国家航空航天管理局戈达德太空飞行中心的老同事马里奥·阿库尼亚和伦纳德·伯拉格一道,尽职尽责地奋斗下去。
The soldier on the island put up a stout resistance 岛上的士兵顽强抵抗
When cells experience the stress of disease, injury, or development gone awry, they are faced with the decision to soldier on or to commit suicide in the larger interest of the health of the organism. 当细胞经受疾病、危险的压力,或成长到了绝顶,就接见会面临继续战斗,仍是为了机体的健康保全年夜局而自杀。
Another described the lacy handkerchief she carried when she eloped with a soldier on the eve of World War II. 另一个则描述着在二战前夜她和一个士兵私奔时带着的一个花边手绢的样子。
It all grew out of a cocked hat, for one evening the Professor came in to give Jo her lesson with a paper soldier cap on his head, which Tina had put there and he had forgotten to take off. 这事起因于一顶三角帽。一个晚上,教授进屋来给乔上课,头上戴着顶纸做的士兵帽,是蒂娜放上去的,他忘了拿下来。
It's hard to soldier on when all you seem to meet is failure and defeat. 当你遇到的似乎全是失败和挫折时,要不畏艰难地继续干下去是很难的。
Female Red Army soldier on the long march showed revolutionary nature: carry stretchers and save the wounded soldier; conduct agitation and propaganda; convey goods and materials and ensure supply; struggle against Zhang guotao; oppose autocratic parents. 摘要长征途中的女红军既表现出革命的一面:抬担架,救伤员;鼓动宣传、沿途扩红;搞运输、保供给;勇斗张国焘;反对家长专制。
Pump for yabbies and spot armies of soldier crabs on the beach on a guided fishing tour. 在导游带领的垂钓之旅中,在海滩上搜寻小龙虾,或发现寄居蟹的踪迹。
A soldier mounted on horseback. 一个骑在马背上的士兵。
The Southeast Naval Force in the Ming Dynasty, with its distinguishing feature of the times on its disposition and patrolling, was founded to safeguard country? s maritime rights. a soldier on the cause of women's rights 明代的东南水师是为了维护国家的海洋权益而创立,其在布防、巡哨等方面具有时代特色。维护妇女权益的斗士
The soldier slipped on his invisible cloak and followed closely behind. 士兵迅速穿上隐身斗篷,紧跟其后。
The last tin soldier stood on his one leg and was just as brave and straight as his brothers. 最后一名锡士兵用一条腿站立着,跟他的弟兄们一样勇敢和挺直。
One of the reasons its economy has been able to soldier on is that there is a massive energy-saving drive. 日本经济还能坚持运转的一个原因在于,该国有着强大的节能动力。
A soldier sent on an especially dangerous mission. 敢死队员被派以极为危险的任务的士兵。
The Marine Corps usually have to soldier on under the hardest conditions. 海军陆战队经常在最艰难的情况下仍要勇敢前进。
The soldier on guard challenged the strangers who tried to come in. 值班士兵查问那些想进门的陌生人。
We'll just have to soldier on till we finish the job. 我们只得一直干下去,直到把这活儿干完为止。
You just wrench through it in the moment, and the next day you just soldier on. 你就是忍著撑过去,第二天再奋力向前。
May his successor have the energy to soldier on. 希望他的继任者也有这份干劲,继续迎难而上。
A statue in a park with a soldier on a horse with its2 feet in the air means the soldier died in the combat. 公园的士兵骑马的雕像,如果马匹的两条腿抬起则意味着该士兵在战斗中死亡。
The determined soldier kept on his way all night. 那位意志坚决的战士彻夜不停地前进。
Just another soldier on a road to nowhere. 我们只是一个个士兵,在路上,前途茫茫。